Sunday, August 7, 2011

Minimalism in Islam

Today I want to discuss Islam and a minimalist approach to life. In this day and age I find that the practice of Islam (surrender to God) has taken many convoluted turns and in fact is a far cry from the simple, minimal approach to life. We, the Muslims of today have not taken on the simple approach that Muhammad (pbuh) had. We also seem to ignore the parts of the Quran that specifically address this.

One of my favourite suras (section of the Quran) is called Sura Al-Takatur, Striving for more. This sura spells out the mistake we make as humans in striving for more in the world. This means striving for more wealth, more status, more things. The Quran goes straight to the point, " Striving for more distracts you, until you go into your graves"(102:1,2).  It distracts us from what is the real value of the life that we have been blessed with. Distracts us not only from perceiving the presence of God in everyday life, but from each other. If we are constantly striving for me we are so focused on getting more that we cannot perceive the enjoyment of what is around us right now. We get so distracted with competing with each other, keeping up to date with the news, looking for the best and latest gadgets that we miss out on the beautiful sky or the neighbour who needs a hand or friends who needs kind words. We miss the sunrises and sunsets. We work longer hours to get less done. We are meet up with friends and are checking our blackberries every few minutes. What is all this for?

For contentment? For peace? Happiness? Have we ever found any of those in striving for more? Peace and contentment come from within us. The other world cannot provide it to us. The new ipad will not make you happy. The next promotion and pay rise will not make you happy. A bigger house, car will not make you happy. The thing is, with such things there is always the next new gadget, the next promotion, the even bigger car. Where does it end? How many bedroom does a house require to end in happiness? If it doesn't matter then you may as well be happy with your one room. If it doesn't matter then you can enjoy what you already have to a fuller extent. You can enjoy those around you. The love and affection that surrounds you. Since it doesn't matter, you are no different from the King. Since it doesn't matter, you are no different from the slave. All that matters is good action and intention during the days of your life. At any rate, that is what you will be left with in the end. The empires built, the mansions, the jewels, the riches, all will be left behind on the day that you meet your end in this world. You can't take it with you when you go. Unless you plan to be buried like the Pharaohs of Egypt. Even then your things will only be in your grave while your soul will fly away.

I shall leave you with a song that inspires me and keeps the minimalist Muslim in me alive and well.


  1. Thanks! This piece should wake me up from slumber of materialism.

  2. Struggling with this filthy consumption society where to go family expect more and more and a little vine of more in me too but to point where i forget about my god my health etc just need God help


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