Tuesday, April 5, 2011

100: The Charging Steeds (Al Aadiyat)

An early Meccan surah in which God swears by the warhorses He has subjected to man's use that man is ungrateful and misguided.

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 By the charging steeds that pant 2 and strike sparks with their hooves, 3 who make dawn raids, 4 raising a cloud of dust, 5 and plunging into the midst of the enemy 6 man is ungrateful to this Lord- 7 and He is witness to this- 8 he is truly excessive in his love of wealth. 9 Does he not know that when the contents of graves burst forth, 10 when secrets of hearts are uncovered, on that Day, 11 their Lord will be fully aware of them all?

101: The Crashing Blow (Al Qariah)

A Meccan surah which gives some scenes from the Resurrection and Judgement.

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 The Crashing Blow! 2 What is the Crashing Blow? 3 What will explain to you what the Crashing Blow is? 4 On a Day when people will be like scattered moths 5 and the mountains like tufts of wool, 6 the one whose deeds are heavy on the scales 7 will have a pleasant life, 8 but the one whose good deeds are light 9 will have the Bottomless Pit for his home- 10 what will explain to you what that is? - 11 a blazing fire.

102: Striving for more (Al Takatur)

A Meccan surah which criticizes man's preoccupation with worldly wealth and stresses that he will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection. 

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 Striving for more distracts you 2 until you go into your graves. 3 No indeed! You will come to know. 4 No indeed! In the end you will come to know. 5 No indeed! If only you knew for certain. 6 You will most definitely see Hellfire, 7 you will see if it with the eye of certainty. 8 On that Day, you will be asked about your pleasures.

103: The Declining Day OR The Flight of Time (Al Asr)

A Meccan surah showing the way to salvation. The image of a declining day suggests the stage in the day, or in life, when only a short while is left for those wishing to make up for lost time. 

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 By the declining day, 2 man is (deep) in loss, 3 except for those who believe, do good deeds, urge one another to the truth, and urge one another to steadfastness.

104: The Back biter ( Al Humazah)

A Meccan surah that condemns the greedy backbiter and gives a description of Hell. 

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.

1 Woe to every fault-finding back biter 2 who amasses riches, counting them over, 3 thinking they will make him live forever. 4 No indeed! He will be thrust into the Crusher! 5 What will explain to you what the Crusher is? 6 It is God's fire, made to blaze, 7 which rises over people's heart. 8 It closes in on them 9 in towering columns. 

105: The Elephant (Al Fil)

This surah is a reference to the events that happened in 570 CE, the year of the Prophet's birth, when the army of Abraha (a Christian ruler of Yemen), which included war elephants, marched to attach Mecca, destroy the Ka'ba, and divert pilgrims to the new cathedral in San'a. The destruction of this army is cited here to encourage the disbelievers and warn the disbelievers.

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 Do you (Prophet) not see how your Lord dealt with the army of the elephant? 2 Did He not utterly confound their plans? 3 He sent ranks of birds against them, 4 pelting them with pellets of hard-baked clay: 5 He made them (like) cropped stubble. 

106: Quraysh

This Meccan surah connects grammatically with the previous one's account of how God defeated the threat to Mecca posed by Abraha, so making it safe for the tribe of Quraysh to continue their trading journeys.

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 (He did this) to make the Quraysh feel secure, 2 secure in their winter and summer journeys. 3 So let them worship the Lord of this house: 4 who provides them with food to ward of hunger, safety to ward off fear. 

107: Common kindness (Al Ma'un)

A Meccan sura describing some of the characteristics of a person who denies the Judgement. 

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 (Prophet), have you considered the person who denies the Judgement? 2 It is he who pushes aside the orphan 3 and does not urge others to feed the needy. 4 So woe to those who pray 5 but are heedless of their prayer; 6 those who are all show 7 and forbid common kindnesses. 

108: Abundance (Al Kauthar)

When the Prophet lost his last son, an opponent who hated him taunted him with being 'cut off' without prosperity. This Meccan surah comes to reassure the Prophet and as a retort to his enemy. The word 'kauthar', abundance is also interpreted here as referring to a specific river in Paradise. 

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 We have truly given abundance to you (Prophet) - 2 so pray to your Lord and make your sacrifice to Him alone.- 3 it is the one who hates you who has been cut off. 

109: The Disbelievers ( Al Kafirun)

Some of the Meccan idolaters suggested to the Prophet  as a compromise that he should worship their gods for a year and they should worship his for a year. This was the reply. 

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 Say (Prophet), 'Disbelievers: 2 I do not worship what you worship, 3 you do not worship what I worship, 4 I will never worship what you worship, 5 you will never worship what I worship: 6 you have your religion and I have mine. ' 

110: Help (Al Nasr)

A Medinan surah said to be one of the last revelations the Prophet received before his death. 

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 When God's help comes and He opens up your way (Prophet), 2 when you see people embracing God's faith in crowds, 3 celebrate the praise of your Lord and ask his forgiveness: He is always ready to accept repentance.

111: Palm fibre (Al Masad)

This sura refers to the uncle of the Prophet who opposed him fiercely as did his wife. He insulted the Prophet with 'Tabak yadak' (may your hands be ruined). This Meccan sura is a retort.

In the Name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy

1 May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined! May he be ruined too! 2 Neither his wealth nor his gains will help him: 3 he will burn in the Flaming Fire- 4 and so will his wife, the firewood carrier, 5 with a palm fibre rope around her neck.